Insurance Basics: Home

Types of Health Plans

Many insurers offer different types of plans. The costs, coverage and rules differ for each

Types of Health Plans
The Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 makes it easier for many Americans to get health insurance. It also expands the services that health plans need to cover.

The Affordable Care Act
Emergency Care and Urgent Care

Your plan´s rules and costs may differ for some types of care. Knowing these rules can help you control your costs and get the right care in the right setting.

Flexible Spending Plans

Flexible spending plans let you set aside money from your paycheck. You can use it to pay for care before meeting your deductible, and for copays and coinsurance afterward.

Healthcare Proxies and Advance Healthcare Directives

Healthcare proxies and advance healthcare directives can help you plan your care if you ever lose the ability to communicate clearly.

Vision Coverage for Children and Adults

Most health plans cover medically necessary visits to an eye doctor. Sometimes they cover routine eye exams too, but to get complete vision coverage you may have to go to other sources. This article will tell you about those sources.