Insurance Basics: Home

Choosing a Health Plan

Your employer may offer more than one health plan, or you may be shopping for your own individual plan.

Choosing a Health Plan
Shared Decision Making

We often rely on our doctors to tell us what care we need. But to get the best care, you and your doctor should make decisions together. This process is called “shared decision making”.

Shared Decision Making
Preventive Care and Wellness Services: Coverage and Costs

Preventive services, such as vaccines and screenings, can help you avoid certain diseases and catch others in their early stages, to limit the harm they can cause.

Coverage for Family Planning, Fertility and Pregnancy Services

Planning when to start a family is a big decision, and getting the care you need is important every step of the way. This guide will tell you about types of benefits, types of providers and places to give birth.

Healthcare Proxies and Advance Healthcare Directives

Healthcare proxies and advance healthcare directives can help you plan your care if you ever lose the ability to communicate clearly.

Having More Than One Health Plan

Being covered under two health plans doesn't mean the two plans will pay the same amount twice for the same doctor visit. Instead, the plans follow rules about which plan pays what, known as "coordination of benefits."